In this set Dr. Phil Chavez reviews essential dynamics in a man’s nature that are...
The disconnection of men in the Church stands as a widespread problem. Little appeals to...
Every Man has 3 key basic questions in life: “What do I do now?” “Who...
Ordained in 1877, Fr. Michael McGivney began his extraordinary parish ministry at St. Mary’s Church...
Dr. Chavez explains that, deep within, men want to sacrifice for a great cause. They...
As men are frequently confused in the spiritual life, they want the basics. For the...
“Dr Chavez’s ministry has had remarkable impact on my life and on the lives of...
SET DESCRIPTION In this audio set Dr. Phil Chavez offers sage guidance on becoming a...
In this discussion on manliness, the importance of forming boys to men stand as vital....
"Dr. Phillip Chavez is doing pioneer work in the development of authentic men's spirituality. He has...
PROBLEM: Many men fail to embrace their identity and fulfill their mission in the family, in the Church, and in society. Little exists to aid them in genuine masculine character growth. Schools, Churches, and other organizations are ill-equipped in their curricula and application of even the fundamentals of manly character and development.
THE MENS ACADEMY is an online training forum communicating core truths about Christian manliness so men can make solid progress in life, work, faith, and in all their relationships. The masculine journey is revealed in many ways, but ultimately through Jesus Christ.
OUR VISION: That men will become well informed and well trained about their natural and supernatural mission, identity, and journey so they may thrive in authentic manliness as the Creator designed.
“Be watchful, stand firm in your faith,be courageous, be strong” (1 Cor 16:13)