"Dr. Chavez now has arrived at some of the most vital and central concepts defining the essence of a man’s mission, identity, and journey."
-Winston Perez, CEO of Concept Modelling
“Dr Chavez’s ministry has had remarkable impact on my life and on the lives of men I know in Baltimore. In less than two years since I first attended a talk… I’ve started my own men’s group and several of my friends have taken up the colors in a battle for the Culture of Life.”-Chad Garland, Leader of Warrior Brothers Platoon Former Marine
"Dr. Chavez has a gift to understand a man’s heart, and more importantly the ability to articulate it in away that inspires men to grow in holiness. He challenges men to be better men, husbands to be better husbands, fathers to be better fathers. And he does it in away that motivates them to action. I am grateful for his much needed ministry. May Christ continue to bless him."
-Kevin O’Brien, Founder, Men of Christ
"Dr. Chavez has taught me a most important lesson. In order to grow in authentic femininity I must accept and affirm man's role as leader, protector and provider. When a woman hears this message she can finally exhale knowing deep within her heart she no longer has to buy into the lie of our feminist culture. He cannot get this message out fast enough ! It is essential to the future of our families, our church and our society."