Journey of the Beloved Son


In this audio set Dr. Phil Chavez offers sage guidance on becoming a Beloved Son of an earthly and heavenly Father. Awakening the manly heart toward this identity brings breakthrough and healing in a man’s life.  Dr. Chavez leads listeners to a solid understanding of the Father’s love through the identity of Christ bestowed at Baptism.

The Father’s Love of itself transforms a man so he may reach confidence in every area of life. This holds even in his relationships. Dr. Chavez gives practical steps to experience this transformation as a Beloved Son in life and prayer. Embracing the Father’s love is the source of true peace. This is a man’s inheritance—and every man should claim it!

In this conference, you will learn:

  • How to move past the lack of an earthly father’s love
  • Ways to move in Faith to hear the Father’s validation 
  • How the identity as a Beloved Son is given at Baptism
  • What are the paths to connect with the Father in prayer
  • Opportunities to recognize for deep connection with God
  • Why life must be a journey of communion with the Father
  • Ways men can connect interiorly with their fatherly hearts


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